I know we had all hoped that the pandemic would be over with after a couple months, but here we are, 8 plus months in, and it’s certainly not going away. It’s easy to say “forget it!” and try to go back to normal, but for the safety of all our loved ones, we can’t do that yet. So we keep washing hands, masking up, social distancing, avoid gathering in large groups.
A couple reminders of additional CDC recommendations
If you’ve been directly exposed, you need to quarantine. If you don’t develop any symptoms, you can return to “normal” activity after 10 days. If you develop symptoms, you need to be symptom free before returning after at least 10 days. Even having a negative COVID test doesn’t exempt you from quarantine – it’s a helpful tool, but it doesn’t decide if you have to quarantine or not.
If you are having symptoms of COVID, you need to quarantine. Even having a negative COVID test doesn’t exempt you from quarantine. First, the tests we have aren’t 100% accurate. Second, no matter what is causing your symptoms, you don’t want to share those germs with other people – no one can afford to be sick with any kind of upper respiratory illness right now. You need to be symptom free before returning to “normal” activity.
But all this can really wear on the soul after awhile. So here’s a couple suggestions for your Fall, to help keep you healthy: mentally AND physically.
Go outside and simply enjoy the Fall color. Soaking in Nature is very relaxing.
Get lost in a Corn Maze.
Build a fire and enjoy the sound of crackling.
Make your own costume and show it off on social media – you can even have a costume contest with family and friends virtually.
Family game night is always a great option for building relationships and starting inside jokes.
Get outside and exercise. Or inside. Just get active. Thirty minutes every day is a great benefit to your physical and emotional health.
Get crafty and make something with the beautiful Fall leaves.
Help someone you don’t know. Pick your favorite charity, and find a way to help. Or 7HillsCenter.org always has opportunities to help those in need.
Still time to start learning a new language, or how to play the ukulele.
Call someone you haven’t talked to in a long time.